Ext2Fsd 0.50 was released !

Release Notes for Ext2Fsd V0.50
Features implemented and bugfix from V0.48:
    1, Ext4 extent readonly support by Bo Branten. Writing is
       possible but with no size-extending
    2, Ext3 directory index (hash-tree) support
    3, Fast fsck (uninit_bg) and group block checksum support
    4, Ext4 64k block size support
    5, Symlink/special inodes open/read/deletion support
    6, Buffer head implemented over cache pages
    7, Memory allocation optimization for flexible-size inodes
    8, Improve file deletion: don't grab global lock when deleting
    9, FIXME: return zero-content for sparse file gaps
   10, FIXME: check available spaces before blocks allocation
   11, FIXME: refresh stale root dir content after journal replay
   12, FIXME: incompatible dentry management for 64k block size
   13, FIXME: don't do journal replay for devices set as readonly
   14, FIXME: Win7 cmd.exe always reports file sizes as zero
   15, FIXME: Win7 memory throttling issue calling CcPinRead
   16, FIXME: Ext3Fsd Build issues (SLIST/div64 for Win2k, browser files)
   17, FIXME: Compiling test failure (fastio doesn't update i_size)
   18, FIXME: Possible Mcb memory leak for symbolic links
Supported Ext3/4 features by 0.50:
    1, flexible inode size: > 128 bytes, up to block size
    2, dir_index:    htree directory index
    3, filetype:     extra file mode in dentry
    4, large_file:   > 4G files supported
    5, sparse_super: super block backup in group descriptor
    6, uninit_bg:    fast fsck and group checksum
    7, extent:       reading, writing with no extending.
    8, journal:      only support replay for internal journal
Unsupported Ext3/4 features:
    1, journal: log-based operations, external journal
    2, extent: size truncating & expanding, file deletion
    2, flex_bg: first metadata group
    3, EA (extended attributes), ACL support
Features to be implemented in future:
    1, EXT3/4 features support (extents, journal, flex_bg,)
    2, Documents improvement: clear and elaborate
    3, Performance improvement, code optimization
    4, Automatic check & update of new versions
    5, LVM support, e2fsprogs porting for Windows
Files descriptions:
    Ext2Fsd-0.50.exe:  setup wizard for Windows systems (Win2k, Winxp,
                       Vista, Win7, Server 2003, Server 2008/R2)
    Ext2Fsd-0.50.7z:   Batch setup package in 7-zip
    Ext2Fsd-0.50.zip:  Batch setup package in zip
    Ext2Fsd-0.50.src.7z:  Source codes of Ext3Fsd and Ext2Mgr in 7-zip
    Ext2Fsd-0.50.src.zip: Source codes of Ext3Fsd and Ext2Mgr in zip

Download link:

Files checksum:
    C:\Works\Ext2fsd\0.50>sha1sum Ext2Fsd-0.50*
    bec1b29452473a36dc99c163b7bedbc4bb53707d *Ext2Fsd-0.50.7z
    51cd8b7362ca3b401d455e2338f2c9eb9f97ae30 *Ext2Fsd-0.50.exe
    28f9f3456bfc104fb0773e26c26e8c2fc663663a *Ext2Fsd-0.50.src.7z
    844bce05d203d81d53f69493ae4a5b11dfb73667 *Ext2Fsd-0.50.src.zip
    747ed2f3eb22bf3f67fae7084f6c895f516e6058 *Ext2Fsd-0.50.zip
    The driver may crash your system and ruin your data unexpectedly,
    since there might be software conflicts and I could only test it
    on some of the popular platforms. You should use it with care and
    use it at your own risk!
Matt <matt at ext2fsd.com>
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