git replaces svn – Source Control

I’ve decided to use git as Ext2Fsd source control primary to replace svn. The svn depository will be updated to next version 0.50 (coming soon),  and then set as read-only.

Here’s a guide of git usage:

matt@Matt ~
$ git clone git:// sf.git
Cloning into sf.git…
remote: Counting objects: 276, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (124/124), done.
remote: Total 276 (delta 170), reused 239 (delta 144)eceiving objects:
Receiving objects: 100% (276/276), 909.70 KiB | 24 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (170/170), done.
matt@Matt ~
$ cd sf.git/
matt@Matt ~/sf.git
$ git remote -v
origin  git:// (fetch)
origin  git:// (push)
matt@Matt ~/sf.git
$ git branch -av
* master                0bab5d4 Version 0.49d
remotes/origin/HEAD   -> origin/master
remotes/origin/master 0bab5d4 Version 0.49d
matt@Matt ~/sf.git
$ git log
commit 0bab5d4b813fde9600a1570b288c8bbacc1aec3e
Author: Matt Wu <>
Date:   Sat Jan 29 08:09:32 2011 +0800
Version 0.49d
1, jbd.dsp removed from workspace
commit 729b177a47fefd6273678c93c84c361faafd9c36
Author: Matt Wu <>
Date:   Sat Jan 29 07:54:23 2011 +0800
Version 0.49c
1, 0.50 pre-release: release notes and readme.txt & versions update
2, FIXME: DDK compiling failure: build.exe reports obj files are
invalid. caused by fastio, it doesn’t update i_size.
$ git clone git:// sf.git
Cloning into sf.git...
remote: Counting objects: 276, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (124/124), done.
remote: Total 276 (delta 170), reused 239 (delta 144)eceiving objects:
Receiving objects: 100% (276/276), 909.70 KiB | 24 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (170/170), done.
$ cd sf.git/
matt@Matt ~/sf.git
$ git remote -v
origin  git:// (fetch)
origin  git:// (push)
matt@Matt ~/sf.git
$ git branch -av
* master                0bab5d4 Version 0.49d
remotes/origin/HEAD   -> origin/master
remotes/origin/master 0bab5d4 Version 0.49d
matt@Matt ~/sf.git
$ git log
commit 729b177a47fefd6273678c93c84c361faafd9c36
Author: Matt Wu <>
Date:   Sat Jan 29 07:54:23 2011 +0800
Version 0.49c
1, 0.50 pre-release: release notes and readme.txt & versions update
2, FIXME: DDK compiling failure: build.exe reports obj files are
invalid. caused by fastio, it doesn't update i_size.
commit d09f11698dc8610c04fcd6f71fa9fffa69d79639
Author: Matt Wu <>
Date:   Thu Jan 27 18:28:42 2011 +0800
Version 0.49b
1, uninit_bg (GDT_CSUM)
2, huge_file
3, win7: zero-size reported in cmd
4, symlink open/read/deletiona
commit 46bcb509143446bf7242c928c8a18b8bee9877f5
Author: Matt Wu <>
Date:   Thu Jan 27 18:03:08 2011 +0800
Version 0.49a
1, htree directory index support
2, memory allocation and check
3, buffer head implemented over cache pages
4, inode optimization, not whole inode needed
commit e984c76dfa1ca04b535a22e20dc88230b47ca829
Author: Matt Wu <>
Date:   Thu Jan 27 14:18:42 2011 +0800
Version 0.48-bb8
Ext4 extents support, by Bo Branten
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