Unformatted issue for Ext3Fsd 0.48

Several Ext2Fsd users reported this issue:  after upgrading to Ext2Fsd 0.48,  all the ext2/3 partitions that 0.46a could mount,  couldn’t be mounted any more. Though the drive letter was assigned successfully, Windows explorer would report the unformatted issue when trying to access the mount point.

This issue was caused by a new feature of Ext3Fsd 0.48:  in default, only selected volumes  (listed in registry: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Ext2Fsd\Volumes) can be mounted.

You can make Ext3Fsd mount all Linux volumes in default,  do either of the following 2 guides  :

  1. Start Ext2Mgr, Click menu Tools -> Service Management, and then select the checkbox of “Assign Drive Letter Automatically” and save the changes. Rebooting is NOT necessary.
  2. Modify registry, change the DWORD value ( “HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Ext2Fsd\Parameters\AutoMount”)  to 1. Rebooting is required to make it take into effect.

Normally when assigning a drive letter with Ext2Mgr, Ext2Mgr will create a new entry of  in “HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Ext2Fsd\Volumes” to store the private settings of this volume/partition. Then Ext3Fsd will load this private settings first, only after that fails would Ext3Fsd use the global settings (readonly, codepage etc).

For truecrypt or filedisk volumes, Ext2Mgr won’t recognize them, so Ext2Mgr won’t create the setting entries in registry for these virtual volumes. In this case you can manually create  one or make Ext3Fsd mount all ext2/3 volumes in default. The format of the volume entry is like this:

Value name:  {C9-2E-AF-9C-FB-7D-45-7E-B5-E6-8D-44-0A-57-97-EA}
Value data:  Readonly;MountPoint=F:;CodePage=utf8;
Value name:  {CA-42-7A-17-D2-4E-4E-F8-9F-A6-72-8F-2A-07-48-2F}
Value data:  Ext3ForceWriting;MountPoint=H:;CodePage=utf8;

The value name is generated from the volume UUID in super_block.

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